Saturday, May 25, 2013

Last Blog Post (On This Account)

Hey followers! This will be my last blog post on this account :( But wait! There's good news! I have a new Blogspot account! The reason why is because I ditched the old email (, and made a new, updated (not so childish) email. Google is dumb and won't let me use my Blogspot account separately from my new Google account, so here it is. I'm not going to delete any posts, but just know that you should follow me overrrrr here!

:D See you guys on the other side!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

OT Trolls (Part 2)

So, in 1 Kings Chapter 22, the king of Israel meets with the king of Judah (Jehoshaphat) about taking over Ramoth Gilead (a city).

The king of Israel is like "Ramoth Gilead belongs to us! We should team up our troops, then go and take what's rightfully ours!" Jehoshaphat's all like "Sure man, I'll do it. Just make sure to ask God for guidance before you do anything."

The king of Israel asked 400 prophets if he should do this battle, and they were all like "Sure." Jehoshaphat was still not convinced. He said "Can we talk to another prophet of God? The king of Israel said "Yeah, there is a guy named Micaiah. But I hate him, because he never says good news to me, and he isn't a suck-up." So they sent for Micaiah, and they asked him what they should do.

The king of Israel was like "Tell me the truth, bro." Micaiah says, "Alright. Tell everyone to go home. The battle should not happen. But wait, that's not all. God is bringing you to your doom. You'll find out when you're looking for a place to hide." The king of Israel is infuriated, and says, "Get this dude out of here! Lock him up, and give him bread and water till I come back in one piece." Micaiah's all like, "If you come back in one piece, I'm no prophet of God." Oh snap!

So, before battle, the king of Israel tells his loyal friend Jehoshaphat to switch clothes with him. He's like "I'm going to fool these people by being in disguise while on the battlefield." So, all of Israel and Judah's warriors are ready to battle Aram (the king of Ramoth Gilead)'s army. They saw the king of Israel (who was actually Jehoshaphat), and they were all like, "There he is, kill him!" and then Jehoshaphat revealed it was him, and he ran away. THEN!!!! Someone in Aram's army, without aiming, (WITHOUT AIMING) shot an arrow randomly (RANDOMLY!!!) into the crowd of soldiers and hit the king of Israel in the small opening (SMALL OPENING) in his armor. The king of Israel died.

The guy who randomly shot that arrow without aiming. Wow.

God, you funny troller you :D

OT Trolls (Part 1)

I think one of the first (funny) trolls in the Bible (Besides Adam and Eve being trolled by Satan) was when Jacob trolled Esau by:

1: Asking Esau to give him the firstborn birthright over some soup.
2: Tricking his father into thinking that he was Esau.
3: Letting his father give him all of the blessing he was supposed to give Esau.

I could just imagine his father's face when he found out it was actually Jacob. Hardcore trolled. All thanks to Jacob's mother, who was the one who told eavesdropped and Jacob to do these things.

*slow clap into a loud applaud*

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Time

If you have stumbled upon this blog because I have shared it, or you have no idea who I am, it's totally okay. Today, I want to talk to you about something that has been on my mind all day today. Especially around the Christmas season, it can be hard to enjoy it if you feel lonely. I mean, the true meaning of Christmas is that Jesus was born, and we celebrate it. But what if we didn't get presents? Think about it. Would you still feel happy? Unfortunately, a lot of people would say no. They support themselves by saying, "Oh, I have friends and family to make me feel happy through the Christmas season". But let me stretch this even further; what if we didn't have family or friends? What if we feel like we're all alone?

Two characters come into mind when I think about such things. Those characters are the Grinch, and Mr. Scrooge. I know I have talked about Scrooge before in my blogs, (somewhere) but it will be a little different this time. The reason why these two characters preferred isolation was because of a situation gone awry. With the Grinch (the Jim Carrey version), he fell in love with a girl named Martha May Whovier when he was young. He was utterly embarrassed when everybody laughed at him, and held this grudge for years. In Scrooge's story, he fell in love with a woman named Belle. Since Scrooge grew up with no money, he wanted to provide for Belle as he became more wealthy. Eventually down the road, he got greedy, and Belle broke off her engagement with Scrooge. That is a reason why he eventually became so cruel. Of course there were other reasons why Scrooge and the Grinch were mean, but they both share a common characteristic; and that is love. When the only thing that they held dear to them turns their back, where do they turn? 

In this winter season, filled with lights, music, snow, and much more, we tend to feel depressed because some of us feel like we need to have that special somebody in our life. I know I'm guilty of it at one time in my life. The more I tried to press to have somebody, the worse it got. I stopped relying on God's time, and became fixated on my own. Who knows, maybe heartbreak can make you become like a Scrooge or a Grinch some day. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

How bread can keep me up late at night.

So, it is 4:14 in the morning, and I'm not asleep yet. "Why?" You may ask? Well, before I was going to go to sleep, I was going to get a glass of water. I went and poured myself a glass of water, and eyed this bread. It looked really good, so I decided to snag a little piece. I took it Aladdin style. No slices, just a bit of loaf! As I sat down and started eating it, I thought to myself, "Huh, I bet the Egyptians had to eat something like this when they were fleeing from Egypt. The bread was probably a lot worse, but still." I then asked myself why the Egyptians were complaining? I mean, God had just done some miraculous things in their life. He saved them from Pharaoh's clutches, and their children's lives were spared. Wouldn't they want to fully give their lives over to Him if they knew all that He could do? Sure, he gave them food, but it was the perfect amount to keep them living. They then requested quail, because it was something that they preferred more. Even when God gave it to them, they STILL complained.

When I thought this, I also thought of my own life. Have I not fully given my life to God, even though I know what miraculous things He can do? Is there something in my life that I feel is better (quail) than what He has me living on (bread)? Do I feel as if I prefer more than what God has in store? How often in life do I complain whenever God gives me the alternative? I know for a fact that God is watching out for me. I don't know why I always need to be in control of my life. In the end, it leaves me nowhere, or wanting more.

Christmas is coming up. In about ten days! I don't know, I'm just not as excited as I was previous years for Christmas. As the years go on, the more depressing it gets. I mean, I have watched probably about five Christmas movies this year; and that's it. I listen to Christmas music every once in a while, but not every single minute of every single hour. Maybe I'm just tired, but I feel as if I'll be a Scrooge soon enough. I won't become indulged in money, or anything like that, but my heart just isn't with it this year. I need direction.

All of these thoughts came to me because of a small piece of bread! It's crazy how the mind works! I felt in my heart that I needed to write this blog, even though I haven't written one in a long time. The first semester of college was good, and my grades were exceptionally good! That's what happens when I apply myself! Well, I still didn't finish drinking the water I poured, so I'm going to finish that, and go to bed. Goodnight!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Well, it's not really an epiphany, but something has just entered my heart, and I want to talk about it. I'm not going to stop typing at any point. I'm not going to look back and change anything (besides grammatical errors). Okay, so I know what I want to do with my life. I want to lead worship. I am currently listening to Jesus Culture's one album, and every time I listen to their music, I just get so torn up. I know that I belong in something in that area. Maybe not being the lead singer, but just something. I want to be a part of something like that. It doesn't have to be a "band" band. Just a worship band. I look at where I am now, and I see no future in what I'm doing. Sure I have an awesome job, and the people are great, but I just can't see myself doing that for the rest of my life. Let my clarify also that even though playing the guitar is nice, I don't see me just worshiping by myself. I hear drums, bass, electric guitar, piano; everything. I just feel the need to pursue that. I don't want to waste what gifts God has given me. The only problem with this picture, is that I don't have time anymore. I probably won't ever have time anymore. Just the other day, I got off work around 3, and I went to the park, and just played my guitar. I loved it. It was so peaceful to be around God's creation, and just enjoy what He has given to all of us. When I worship Saturday nights, I love to worship. It is just a free feeling. I wish that there were more instruments (because some songs sound better with more than just a guitar). I could see myself playing guitar for Jesus Culture, Starfield, Kari Jobe, etc. I know I would be on the road a lot, but lets face it. I really don't socialize anymore with a lot of my friends.. Mostly because I have work, school, etc. and they have stuff in their own lives. I don't even hang out with my friend that lives in the same house as me! Not a lot of people would miss me "that" much. Probably the people who are reading this now haven't even thought of me until they saw me advertise this blog post. (It's okay, we're all busy)...

I'm not sure if playing music for Jesus would be just a hobby, or something I'd do for the rest of my life. Who knows.. I know that if I got the chance, I'd go for the long run though.

Something else on my mind.

I feel like I have let God down a lot recently. I haven't spent time in His word.. I pray often, but I just feel so disconnected.. I don't know why. I know work can be busy, but it really doesn't leave me too dry. I can't give God my leftovers.. I'm just physically and emotionally tired of everything around me. After work, I come to the place I'm residing, and just go downstairs. I don't talk much anymore. There really isn't that much of a funny side anymore either. I don't really have that many friends anymore.. Growing up stinks. Well, it's a part of life. Does it really have to be? I think people only say that because they were told that when they were younger, and in the situation I'm in. Listen to me: Life can still be great when you grow up! You just need encouragement along the way!

Maybe I'll get someone who loves me for me someday. That would be awesome. Someone who understands me, and who would want to be with me.. I mean, I'm a nice guy.. I have a great heart, and I would take care of her like no one else.. Like Jesus loves his people, I will love her..

Hah I am so sorry that this is random, and different things are coming in from different directions.. I just have more on my mind, and I felt the need to share it with you.

To sum it up: I'd love to be in a worship band, I need encouragement, I hope to find somebody someday who will (in every essence in their being) love me and Christ...

Until I become sane,

Monday, April 23, 2012

New Life

Well, as the title says, I have started a new chapter in my life; adulthood. I know a lot of the older people will laugh at me, because they probably think that I know nothing about adulthood, and I'm just over-exaggerating the statement. Well, I think that I definitely qualify for some of the definition.. I look back at the pictures of me about two years ago.. I'm just so different.. Sure I'm fun, but I've really toned down and matured since all of this stuff has happened in my life. I look around me, and I no longer see the vast, variety of potential I once had. I know what I can and cannot do in life. There's no more guessing, I suppose. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.

Along with confusion, I need guidance as to why I am where I am when I am. I know God has me at this state of mind for a reason. I have no idea why, but it gets so tough sometim- most of the time. I know I shouldn't be stressed about God's will for me, but when I'm put in a whole completely different atmosphere than what I'm used to, it's hard to cope. I wish I had a firm grip as to what's going on.

 Lord, whatever You're doing, please help me in the rough times, and even in the good times. I know You're here, but I just need guidance. My bright life has turned pitch black, and I can't even see my hand in front of my face. I need to just reach out, and let You take my hand and guide me; I can't live life impervious to Your will. It would be like running across a highway blindfolded. I can try doing it on my own, but without any sense of direction, I can't live. You are so amazing, and I don't want to take that for granted. Every day I need to be a living example. Lead me to lead others. Amen.

Other than everything going on that is stressful, life is pretty good. I'm alive and breathing, I'm healthy (for the most part), and enjoying EVERY moment of free time I get (oh, how good it feels to be laying down..). Work is great as well! This whole Mitt Romney thing has blown way out of the water though. Work has been a little bit more busy, so I work more (It's definitely more rewarding when I get my paychecks now ;D) I also have made new friends at work (Kristyn, Carol, Martha, Vee, Michelle, Carolyn, Anita, Bev, Cheryl, Sydney, Kelly, Tony, Jess [and plenty more where that came from!]). Working at the Bakery is so much fun, and I learn something new every day that I'm there.

Life away from work is pretty much relaxing as much as I can haha. Sometimes I get back to where I'm staying about 7:30, and I'm as tired as a horse...that is tired. I recline on a luxurious couch, and drink some Sprite to finish my job well done for the day. I am trying to start to get more energized by going on walks. I'm going to go to the nearest park as much as possible!

Well, I'd like to stay and chat, but I got work tomorrow, so yeah..
